Do you know what your most precious commodity in your business is Your energy.
The concept of energy management has been really intriguing to me for years. This topic feels very close to my heart especially because I'm an intuitive empath and I perceive things energetically before anything else. It is exactly for that reason I had to learn energy management not only as a survival tool but also as an essential tool in my business.
Why do I think dth drill pipe that energy management is an important skill to learn in your business? Because when you know more about how you best function, what affects your energy levels, what your energy patterns are and how to consciously use them to your advantage you can co-create business that is enjoyable, fun, energizing and rewarding on many levels.
Recently, I have been reminded how important energy management in one's business is.? Working on launching my new web-site I had challenges with having the opt-in form set up. My VA hadn't done that kind of thing before and my web-designer and I were sitting on the computer trying to figure things out. It took me hours and not to mention the amount of frustration to complete the task. I kept asking people I knew how to do it and finally a friend of mine helped me figure it out. Through this whole process I was thinking how I would gladly pay somebody to get this done for me. Because the amount of energy and time it took to complete it, I could have invested my energy in something much more enjoyable and much more rewarding in my business like writing, coaching or creating my new product. Those are the things I love to do.? It was a great reminder and a great lesson on what not to do with my energy.
In the past I have been through many different lessons on what is not effective energy investment and also lessons on how to safeguard and nurture my precious commodity. Over the years I have seen that I'm not the only one with these types of challenges There are many women entrepreneurs who deal with the same challenges.
Here are some of the most common challenges that will drain energy and joy out of you and out of your business:
- Not making self care a priority in business (The BUT factor)I can't tell you how many times I have heard this sentence: "I know I should take care of myself but....................................". You fill it in what your BUT factor is. Most common ones are lack of money, lack of time, too many other important responsibilities. Does that sound familiar?For many women what that translates into has nothing to do with dth hammer time or money, it's usually much deeper than that.? What it comes down to is not really valuing yourself enough to invest in yourself.? So if this applies to you really take a look at where you are with that. How do I know all this? I have been in the BUT town and back. I know it well. It took some serious depletion lessons to learn the value of taking care of myself.
- Challenge to say NOThis one is challenging for so many of us. We are conditioned to be the good girls and to help others. Don't get me wrong, I think it is great to help others however, not when it is at the expense of yourself and of your business. Many of us learn to say YES out of feeling guilty, out of fear of rejection or out of fear that if we say NO, people won't like us. You can't be everything to everybody and if you don't take charge of your own energy then believe me when I say, other people will. I have first hand experience. :)Also consider this: When you are saying YES out of fear and out of guilt not only are you dishonoring yourself but also the person involved.? Think about it: people can feel the energy you are putting forth whether out of generosity and an open heart, or out of fear or obligation.
- Doing it all by yourself (Having a super woman syndrome.)Are you one of those women in business who is trying to do it all by herself I admit I used to be one. I'm in recovery from having the super woman syndrome. I really had to look at why I'm so driven to want to do it all. What I have found was astounding.I didn't think that someone else can do things as well as I can (me wanting to control things and not fully trusting someone else.)The more I could do the more it showed that I'm valuable (action equaled value.)Once I was aware of this, I could start releasing these beliefs and gradually let someone else take over those tasks and elements of my business that I didn't enjoy or felt drained by.? Now I'm so far from where I used to be, however every once in awhile I get reminded, like in the story I shared with you earlier, what it feels like when I do things that I can delegate and spend my energy in much more profitable ways.
- Working with less than ideal clients, business partners and team membersHave you ever worked with a client, business partner or other member of your business team who was less than what you considered to be ideal Do you remember the experience? Let me guess what the experience looked like: It was less than enjoyable, draining and it took twice the amount of energy and time to get anything accomplished.? The results were not satisfying and the amount of frustration - let's not even go there.Did I get it right I think we all have been in the place where out of desperation we enter a less than ideal situation or partnership for ourselves. Needless to say, I think it stands to reason that when picking those you choose to? invest your energy with - choose wisely and trust your gut and trust your instincts when doing it. Your intellect can play tricks on you however your gut never lies. You'll be much better off.
So here you have the four most common challenges. There are plenty other ones that play a role in your energy management, however if I wanted to share all of them with you I would have to write a 10 page newsletter. You would fall asleep just looking at it. :)
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